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Found 27587 results for any of the keywords iot platform for. Time 0.019 seconds.
Regulatoryor Select Files Maximum upload file size: 2 MB.
Telecom Industry Operator Services - Tele info TodayThis section of Tele Info Today brings the latest telecom industry news and trends regarding operator services. These include recent updates about the broadcasting and internet services which are a part of this section.
Trendsor Select Files Maximum upload file size: 2 MB.
IoT Device Management | IoT Connectivity | Choice IoTIn need of IoT device management IoT connectivity? Find out how Choice IoT can help you scale and monetize your solutions!
Smart City IoT | IoT Device Management | DigiCertDigiCert secures smart city IoT devices by using a PKI-based solution to authenticate a device, system, encrypt all communications, uphold data integrity.
Home Consumer IoT Security Solutions | DigiCertProtect private data and home networks while preventing unauthorized access using PKI-based security solutions for home and consumer IoT devices.
DigiCert IoT Trust Manager for Healthcare | DigiCertWe offer security solutions to keep patients safe protect in-transit data from attack with PKI-based protection for connected healthcare medical devices.
Transportation IoT Security Solutions | DigiCertProtect drivers, passengers, and prevent interception and manipulation of data for signing packets and signal information by using PKI security solutions.
Industrial Internet Of Things (IIOT) | DigiCertA Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) solution provides mutual authentication, data encryption, system integrity for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT).
Proximiot | Terracom | The No1 Workforce Safety Management Systems VThe operation of the IoT platform for Proximity Marketing will be based on the use of beacons (wireless transmitters detected via Bluetooth from users' mobile phones) in combination with smartphones which are widely used
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